There was just so much to love about Trish and Leslie's Hobbiton wedding! It was a much anticipated day for everyone - the couple and their guests having travelled over from the U.S. The team at Hobbiton were looking forward to having the very first wedding couple through the new Bagshot Row. Many of you know how much of a LOTR fan I am, and I honestly needed a moment once I went inside Bagshot Row to take it all in - I highly recommend it, even if you've been before!

After one or two hiccups with their officiants earlier in the week, Leslie and Trish declared their love for each other in the gardens in front of their nearest and dearest (including Ryan, their flower-hobbit!). Trish looked incredible, and Leslie's green velvet jacket was stunning too!

Thank you so much for having me there to celebrate with you - congratulations Mr & Mrs!!!

Here's just a few of my favourite moments of the day (but it was really hard to choose!)

(Oh and can you spy hobbit running off on an adventure?)